Installation Instruction - phpForm
Installation Instruction
Create empty MySQL database and add privileged user to this database
Unzip package and upload all directories and files to your root [/public_html/]
Point your browser to install.php
Fill the form with database information, admin login, website url and hit Next (
Once you have succesfully completed the installation, delete install.php from your server
To get to the Admin Panel you have to login as the administrator with the username and password you specified during the installation process
Admin Panel -> General Settings. Replace Recaptcha Site Key and Secret Key with your own one, generated at
Admin Panel -> General Settings. Enter your notification email address in the Info Email field.
Admin Panel -> Mail Settings. Enter From Email email address in the From Email field (Example:
[email protected]
If you need help with installation, send us an email with FTP and MySQL details
PayPal IPN [Optional]
Admin Panel -> Payment Settings -> PayPal Payment Module -> Select: Enabled
Make sure you setup your PayPal IPN
Configure IPN Listener
Admin Panel -> Banner -> Select: Enabled
Enter your Adsense Code